Highly effective FDA cleared medical device used for treatment of acute and or chronic pain. Utmost attention and care are given to each patient.
by Neuro Med
While pain medications can temporarily relieve neuropathy pain, they may also produce undesirable side effects or no results.
That’s why we are offering alternative therapies for opioid-free / drug free for acute, and or chronic neuropathy pain or circulatory disorders symptoms patients.
One of the most effective non-surgical, drug-free treatments we offer is Electroanalgesia (EA) by NeuroMed with the NeuroSanos software version 5/1.0 is a FDA cleared medical device that has clinical indication of use to: 1) Stimulate peripheral nerves for the purpose of providing pain relief. 2) Increasing local blood circulation. 3) Management and symptomatic relief of chronic (Long-term) INTRACTABLE PAIN.
This treatment modality, often termed as "Physical Medicine Treatment” and “Electroanalgesia” (EA) therapy, utilizes the application of frequency .1 - .5 Hz (Physical Medicine Treatment) and 5,000 Hz, 8,300 Hz (Electroanalgesia) achieve a variety of therapeutic actions including reduction of edema, and inflammation, analgesia, and facilitation of metabolism in the neuropathic extremity.
Electroanalgesia (EA) is accomplished by placing special designed conductive sock or hand garment electrodes over the treatment area. The strength of EA treatment is to reduce the ability of the affected nerves to transmit pain signals and, at the same time, promote healing by means of the depolarization effects on the nerve cells.
This medical device uses specific patented pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger different desired physiological mechanisms of actions from frequencies starting at .1 Hz - .5 Hz (for stimulation) then changing throughout the treatment to include a 5,000 Hz frequency. This technology also uses a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg)™ that can produce much higher frequencies, (8,300 Hz) to inhibit the nerves. EA technology is continually using a specific 1) carrier frequency, 2) and physician is changing the intensity (dosage) of the current to precisely match parameters delivered at the appropriate time.
Electroanalgesia are very successful. Results show that 75-80% of patients get better with treatment and have lasting results; however, there is no guarantee of success. Note that 20-25% of patients will claim they received little or no long-term relief. For this reason, other treatment options should be added or considered.
17820 SE 109th Avenue, #107 Summerfield, FL 34491